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Why We Want to Do Church This Way

Have you ever felt that there was more to church than just “going to church” and doing the normal “church routine”? Are you tired of "Playing Church" and looking to actually be a part of the Church with others - and together - BEING THE CHURCH? Are you looking for a richer, deeper, more intimate and REAL Relationship with your Savior, Jesus? Are you looking for rich, loving, caring, deep and accountable relationships with your fellow brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ?

There seems to be a way of BEING THE CHURCH - as seen in the New Testament that seems to be missing today. For the most part, the church today is not addressing these needs. I know I need these things above, met in my life, and I know you do, too.

We have felt the same, but have been entirely frustrated with "Normally Structured" Church as we know it today.

As we dug deeper in the New Testament Scriptures we noticed a tremendous amount of teaching focused on Loving and Caring for One Another. We will call these, the "One Anothers" from this point forward. These "One Anothers" came with instructions. From how to deal with a sinning brother, to how to deal with a spouse and children. They talk about how to love others in the Body, even if they don't deserve it. In fact we found that the New Testament covers this subject in much greater detail than that of financial stewardship, in spite of what many modern "Christian Financial Gurus" and Pastors have said.

We came to the understanding that the Lost Sinner out there cares more about being loved than about being preached to that he/she is a sinner going to hell (although, every sinner needs to know that he/she is a sinner... but in a loving and truthful manner). That sinner needs to know that God loves him or her and the only way God will show that is through you and me. But this is very tough to do on our own, as you may have discovered. But God has provided something unique to help us: it is called the Body of Christ.

Actually practicing the "One Anothers" with one another, seems to produce such an atmosphere of love and fellowship this may happen . . . “... he is convince by all, he is judged by all. And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.” (1 Cor. 14:24-25) .

We found that this type of “structure” has to be a reality. But in most cases - a small group turns into a Bible Study. We have nothing against a Bible Study, but what we are talking about is far more than a Bible Study, it is an experience of the Presence of Jesus in our midst, with us as we are DOING THE BIBLE.  You see, we need to do more of what we learn, than to just focus only on the learning (ref. James 1:22-25; 2:26). You might think that is wrong. But we know far more than we practice. What we need to do, is actually trust and obey God by doing what He says in His Word. If all we do is get together in small groups and study the Bible - and have cognitive transfer of knowledge - it is all worth nothing. We must do what we have learned and we need to take plenty of time to do this.

We found that getting together is what the New Testament believers did, a lot. But they did not just get together to have a Bible Study. They ate together, worshipped together, prayed together, and experienced deep fellowship together . . . in such a way that "the Lord was adding to their number daily, those who were being saved". Acts 2: 42-47. They were experiencing the LORD GOD Almighty in their midst wherever and whenever they would meet together as they gathered together in Jesus' Name. And they gathered together to Build-up, Encourage, and Strengthen One Another in Christ. They had to. They recognized that they could not live the Christian Life without each other. Jesus built the Body of Christ that way, just read 1 Corinthians chapters 12 - 14. Every believer is needed and is important to Christ's Worldwide Mission.

So, to say the least, a new structure needed to be found that would foster this New Testament way of life --> the “Cell Group” (or what we call it: LIFE Group).  Why do we use the term “CELL”? It is because Jesus wants us to make, grow and multiply reproducing disciples... who do the same thing.  And since this best happens within the above described small group setting, these groups will grow and multiply - just like “CELLS” within our human body, except these “CELLS” are growing and multiplying within the local expression of the BODY of CHRIST.  This is really not a new concept at all. The First Christians did this. They met Publicly and from House to House, and these homes were usually very small, fitting less than 25 persons at a time. So the “cultural” restriction of small groups - as FAMILY was normal. They knew that they had to help each other out, because everyone else outside of Christ was trying to tear them down, or even kill them. They had to have each other or they would become very discouraged and lose focus on Christ's Mission. The same set of principles applies to us today.

We have so many distractions, and the world does not love Christianity, in fact it is trying to kill it, in some fashion or form, every day. And most people would rather Christians just leave them alone. But we are called to love the sinner. And yet we find that we seem to avoid this. But when we are in true fellowship and experiencing HIM, we long to help sinners find Jesus. This is why we need each other so desperately today. To keep us focused on Him, and His Cause. We have to have this in our lives. We need to experience HIM in such a deep way, or else we have nothing genuine to offer to a lost and dying world on its way to HELL.

When we discovered this “model” of BEING THE CHURCH - we almost jumped out of our skin. It was like seeing with new eyes. We finally found a model that actually fulfilled all of the mandates of Christ. We are so excited about this and NOW we feel that Jesus in calling us to spearhead a Biblically and Doctrinally Sound, Jesus Pleasing, Relational Based, New Testament Fellowship. We have found that this valley, so desperately needs this. A Fellowship in which Jesus' people can actually be freed up to serve Him. In which they are not having to “Fight Against the System” to actually obey Jesus. A Fellowship in which we can actually experience mutual accountability, love, care and concern. A Fellowship in which we can Disciple that new believer so that he can then turn around and disciple someone that is "newer" than him - in a chain of love and concern for even the least. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Our vision is to see NEW LIFE Fellowship (NLF) as a network of hundreds of these multiplying LIFE Groups that become “hot houses” that make, grow and multiply reproducing disciples for Jesus that are working together as one ministry. We, also, want to see New LIFE Fellowship to become a Missions Training and Sending Ministry - fully training, sending and supporting our Missionaries and Church Planters worldwide.

If somehow, you are saying YES inside, and saying “this is exactly what we have been looking for”, please view the rest of this site.  We would love to hear or read from you, to let us know what you think about this. Please pay special attention to the Section "WE NEED YOU"

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