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Cell Church Presentation - page 3

Comparison of Small and Large Churches

[Pro's and Con's]



Smaller Typically means intimate. Many families like to be a part of a small intimate group of people

Large Churches allow people to "Check It Out" in relative anonymity. No one typically will "hassle" new people at the door or in the pew.

People can get to know each other easier and can help each other out easier. Friendship are easier to develop.

Large Churches have a greater Resource for Staffing to help out when needed. From Full-Time Professionals to Volunteers. (roles)

Easier Access to Pastor or pastoral staff.

Large Churches tend to have exciting or more attractive Sunday Church Services and "Programs" for Adults and for Children.

Needs are always present, so a person who likes to be needed can really fulfill needs easier.

Large Churches have a greater Resource for Elective Classes, Sunday School Classes, etc.

Small Churches tend to be highly Cliquish. It is very hard for new people to penetrate the relationship barriers that are already present.

If you do not show up or something terrible happens, no one will know. You will not be missed, typically. There are already enough people.

Small Churches tend to have tremendous Power Cores. Certain people are in Power and that is that. New Pastors have a real hard time with this.

Large Churches typically do not have an emphasis on the "One Another's" of Scripture. The Main Emphasis is on the Large Church Service Attendance. A System of Networks of Home Fellowships is Not the Typical Emphasis.

Small Churches Tend to not grow over long or short periods of time due to the facts above. It is God's will for the small church to grow beyond its borders. Most (95%) do not. They want to stay small. It is a "Small Church Mentality".

In Large Churches it is Easy to get lost in the Crowd and very hard to find some good accountable friendships that will build one up in the Lord.


Large Churches tend to hire Professional Staff and typically do not have a real need to have In-House Training Programs to fill the needs in Leadership


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